Below is a list of our Frequently Asked Questions. If your question was not addressed, please call Center for Pain Management at 414-444-8670.
Center for Pain Management is located at 6200 W. Center St. Milwaukee, WI 53210
We currently accept:
Straight Medicare.
Medicare with the following HMO’s:
United Healthcare
Anthem (not BCBS dual)
AARP//United Healthcare
Commercial Insurance:
United Healthcare
Network Health Market Place
Children’s Together Market Place
Tricare- Tricare Humana and Tricare West
First Health
All Workman’s Comp
Medicaid/Title 19/Forward Health: we take some HMO’s – We are currently at capacity for straight T-19(Medicaid) and might not be accepting new referrals.
You can pick up a current list of insurances at our front desk.
For additional insurance questions you can call us at 414-444-8670 ext. 8.
Please check that we accept your insurance in the questions above. You can also pick up the list with insurances at the front desk.
Besides the referral we will need the last two visit office notes from your PCP, and/or previous Pain Clinic. We will need all the imaging results (MRI’s, cat scans and x-rays) pertaining to the chronic pain. We will need these imaging reports in written form. We do not read CD’s.
Information can be faxed to 414-444-8678 or 414-509-5430. Or you can bring it into our clinic.
Once all the information requested is received, it will take 2 weeks to be processed and reviewed.
Once you are approved we will call you to schedule your appointment. Please make sure we have a working phone number for you on file.
New patients can call us at 414-444-8670 Ext. 4. Established patients can call us at 414-444-8670. Our fax number is 414-444-8678.
Center for Pain Management requires a referral from your primary care physician (PCP) or a specialist. Have your physician fill out the downloadable referral form.
Yes, you can be seen. However, we will require a referral from a primary care physician (PCP) or a specialist. Please contact us at 414-444-8670 for the fee schedule.
We accept “open and compensable “claims”. If you are a new patient, have your claim information ready. We will need your adjuster’s contact information, the claim number and date of the injury.
Each insurance has its own requirements and process for authorization. Our Pre-Authorization Department is responsible for making sure that the procedures ordered by our providers will be covered under your policy. If the procedure would not be covered, you would be notified prior to the procedure being performed.
Please note that PRP injections are not covered by insurance. You call 414-444-8670 ext. 8 for a price quote.
Center for Pain Management does not replace any lost or stolen medication. However, please inform our office of any lost or stolen medication. Please refer to our Opiate Contract.
Medication changes are only done at appointments. Please request any refills at your appointment also.
Please request a paperwork appointment and inform us of the type of paperwork. We may send you for a Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE), prior to filling any paperwork.
You can download the medical release form from our website. Once completed, you can return the form to our office or have it faxed to Medical Records at 414-444-8678. An administrative fee for records for patients will apply. Please call Ayesha at 414-444-8670 ext. 6 for additional questions.
Depending on the nature and amount of records being requested, it may take 14 to 21 working business days.
Have your physician’s office fill out the downloadable medical release form for Continuity of Care and have it faxed to Medical Records at 414-444-8678.
Please contact our Compliance Officer at 414-444-8670 ext. 5.
Please call the Center for Pain Management or go to your nearest ER if you have any of the following symptoms :
- Temperature over 100F
- Odor from your incision
- Increase in pain
- Inability to void within 10 hours of discharge
- Weakness or numbness
- Stiff neck
- Difficulty breathing or swallowing
- Persistent headache greater than 48 hours
- Bleeding excessive nausea or vomiting
- Any other symptoms that you are concerned about
Yes, you can contact us at any time per e-mail at We will try to respond to your e-mail as soon as possible.
We offer comprehensive pain treatment. We have a licensed Mental Health Counselor on site (part-time) in addition to injections (including PRP injections) and medication therapy.
We now offer SUBOXONE treatment!
If your question was not addressed, please call Center for Pain Management at 414-444-8670. You can also send us an e-mail at